Tag Archives: lifestyle

Hello Again Good People, Farewell 2021

After a few days away I have returned to usher 2021 to the scrap heap of history. It was a rough year but we made it through for the most part.

I will be posting and sharing more in the coming days and renewing my connection to my blogging community. I hope you all are doing well and are ready for a new start and a new year 2022.

Grace and peace to you all. Let’s finish 2021 strong then focus on the future.

Love, your friend Tony

I Have Been Registered With WordPress.com For Six Years #WordPress #Blogging

Six years ago I registered a domain and hosting with WordPress.com planting my flag in this great blogging community. Thanks to all who have found their way here in one way or another. I appreciate your interest and curiosity. The connections I have made over the years has expanded my horizons and understanding of life in general

Read my blog at tonyburgess1969.net

Here’s a link to my post announcing my new blogging domain.

As I always say KEEP ON BLOGGING!

Grace and Peace my friends.

So, I Haven’t Written A Long Post In Awhile

Today I was looking at my blog and I discovered I haven’t written a long-form post in awhile. Usually, my posts are short and concise because I am not a prolific writer. Sure there is plenty to discuss in the world but maybe there is too much to chose from. It’s my goal to chronicle and curate the sacred, serious, and silly things going on in my head.

Sometimes that means a picture, a video, a quote, or other sorts of media that can get my point of view across. Paying attention to stuff can be the best inspiration for my blog posts and I do hope they are interesting or at least tolerable to the reader. I do try to be aware of the fluid attention span of those who visit.

I enjoy stringing words together to form sentences like the next person but sometimes it can be tedious to write for writing’s sake. I do have a post about talking rattling around in my head and the irony there is that I am going to write about it. Let’s see how that goes.

This post is not even as long as some I come across so you can see what I am talking about here.

All any of us can do is to keep on blogging, keep on writing, keep on posting. As in life, we have to keep on keeping on.

Winning And Losing In Politics

You win some and you lose some. That is how life goes. Accepting losses is a statement of character and gives one the driving force to try again. When it involves power and politics then it’s a whole new ball game where some who lose shouldn’t try again.

Those who lose in the game of politics should have some grace about them and realize that when it’s over, it’s over. The people have the say in winning and losing in this case. It’s OK to lose and if you do it well people will respect you for giving it your best.

Maybe some folks need to realize that it’s not about wheeling and dealing your way into winning because it doesn’t work like that. It’s time to move forward and to prepare for a new chapter in the lives of people who have suffered so much.

It’s time to let go of the past and embrace the new things to come on January 20, 2021.