Deleting Your Blog, It Solves Nothing

A blog is a tool for expression, a way to share your feelings. I find it very therapeutic and recreational. For many their blog has become their voice when they have something to say.

Deleting your blog really solves nothing. The problem with deleting is that an important part of your life goes away. On a platform like WordPress where there are millions of other voices you have to be picky in who you listen to and how you relate to those people. Not everyone will be sensitive and caring online. I have discovered its best to restart and be selective to who you want to connect with.

I still very much believe in being original, myself and to say what I have to say myself. So with that being said I want others who do the same.

So to all those considering deleting your blogs, think again, resist that. Your blog can be your friend.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Happy Saturday friends! The weekend is in full swing and that is cool. So far today I have dealt with some stuff around the house including recycling and trash, spreading out gravel in our driveway and started laundry. Earlier this morning we had breakfast with my parents and sister. Of course I am checking out some blogs and posting to my own. Iced coffee is in a Coca-Cola glass which is helping me to keep going. There is still other stuff I need to do like tidying up spaces around the house. Today is a day to be productive but to also chill out when I can. It’s going to be a good day, I hope.

Whatever you are doing today I hope its fun. Enjoy the day and of course keep on blogging.