Tag Archives: school

Back To School Time 2021

Students on all levels are headed back to school. This time of year can be great for parents and even students wanting some normalcy and the classroom can be an important part of that.

As they reconnect with their teachers and friends safety is vital. The COVID situation means care and prevention is very important.

Attention teachers and students have a great year. Do good work.

Attention Teachers, You Are Awesome!

To all the teachers and other educational staff people out there who are wondering what the hell is going on this fall due to Covid-19 I want you to know you are all awesome and what you do truly matters. Hopefully, you will have a safe year ahead and your work is a noble one. Certainly, you don’t get paid enough. Peace to you all amongst the chaos.

It’s That Time Of Year Again, Back To School Supply Shopping

Walmart has their school supplies out for sale now. Whether it be grade or high school or maybe college now is the time to pick up those supplies. It will be a weird year I feel for students around the world. Let’s see if the return to the classroom really happens.

Throwback Thursday – Representing My High School Alma Mater Today #TBT #Chattanooga


The classrooms across Hamilton County, Tennessee were being filled with kids returning to school today. In honor of that I am representing my high school alma mater Red Bank High School in Red Bank, Tennessee today. GO LIONS!

I am a member of the class of 1988 at RBHS