Changes; Not Always Easy But Sometimes Affirmed

When you leave an organization it comes after much thought and discernment. Making such a decision requires courage and the willingness to try something new. There are people left behind in the organization. You wish nothing but the best for them, however things can and will change. I have received word that someone special is no longer with the organization I just left. His contributions to the organization have been meaningful to many people.

However, as things radically change in the organization you left, it reaffirms your decision making. It helps you realize how your vision of the future was on point. Now as life goes on, you make your way and find new things and people to connect with. Here is to the future, may it be one full of spirit and opportunity to engage in things holy.

National Radio Day – A Celebration Of A Great Wireless Invention

Each year on August 20th, National Radio Day celebrates the great invention of the radio.

I am old school in listening to the FM and AM bands on my truck’s radio. I believe in local radio where you are connected with community, its events, information that impacts you and of course music. The radio does give you something to listen to as you are doing your days activities. It is also good for your soul too. Much of the music I knew about as a kid came through the radio because we didn’t have MTV for most of my life and there was no YouTube in my youth.

Radio is also theatre of the mind and it allows you to use your imagination in very powerful ways. It almost resembles a book like that.

I listen to National Public Radio via WUTC 88.1 FM so I can remain informed and entertained about what is happening here in Chattanooga.

Have A Great Day

You never know what to say to someone who isn’t feeling it on any given day. Stuff is going on in their lives they are trying to get through but finding it tough. Saying “have a great day” sounds like pouring salt into a wound but you know there is a flip side to that. Maybe that person needs some encouragement to turn things around. Perhaps they need to know that there is light at the end of a dark tunnel. What they are going through is hopefully a short-term event and offering some hope is always a good thing. Being kind to someone in a unfortunate situation says something about who we are and is an opportunity to lift the load on someones heart and soul.

So everyone with all that being said…HAVE A GREAT DAY!

US Women’s National Soccer Team Victory In Chattanooga!

Way to go ladies, you did good even in a very rough weather situation. Thank you for coming to the great city of Chattanooga for your Victory Tour!