Easier Said Than Done

Some days it’s easier to post because ideas and things are flowing like a river. Other days its more like a dry desert. I want to post something daily even if it isn’t fully inspirational or it seems like I am phoning it in. One day I will take the day off and just do a ton of commentary on the blogs I follow. As I always say, “Keep on Blogging” and there are times when that is easier said than done.

Thanks for following along, even when I am not giving it my A-game.

A Ramble About The Treatment of Women

Woman_power_symbolWomen have it tough today…even in the 21st century. It seems as if the advances of the 1990’s has been under attack by those who really want the good old days. I believe women should make health care decisions on their own and with their doctor’s advice.. Stories of women being treated poorly and the issue of rape is so wrong. To see their stories of being mistreated and abused is truly sad.

In church on Sunday the rector of the parish we were visiting said that wisdom is feminine and who am I to argue. Many women in my life are way smarter than me. They inspire me in so many ways. I have been blessed in my life to have many great women as family, mentors and friends and bloggers. From my wife, to my mom to my grandmother they all make me a better person.

As I have said before women need to have the freedom to make their own choices and decisions without the interference of men unless it’s in a marital situation where a joint decision needs to be made. Women should be able to take their own path in life to make their dreams come true.

So my sisters keep reaching to break the glass ceiling, do your thing, be your own people. Be strong, be courageous.

Chromebooks Just Outsold Windows Laptops For the First Time

US Business-to-business (B2B) sales* of notebooks running Google’s Chrome OS passed 50% between June and early July 2015, with overall education season sales up almost 40% over the same period last year.

via Chromebooks Just Outsold Windows Laptops For the First Time.

I own a Chromebook and I enjoy it very much. It has simplified my computing experience. The price of a unit is good too. This machine is good for bloggers because of all the apps available for creating and planning posts.